Sylvester has over 22 years experience in the complex field
of occupational and personal pensions.
In 1991, he joined Noble Lowndes and Partners Limited,
a firm of consulting actuaries.
Noble Lowndes, which in 1994 joined the Sedgwick Group,
provided all aspects of pensions advice and services to
employers, trustees and members of occupational pension
schemes. In
particular, the work there covered performing actuarial
valuations of defined benefit and defined contribution pension
schemes for funding, solvency, legislative and management
information purposes. Individual
technical calculations of retirement and death benefits
including augmentations and transfer values also formed a core
part of the work.
1997 Jim moved to Price Waterhouse to concentrate on the
technical and consultative pension aspects of mergers and
qualifying as a Fellow of the Institute of Actuaries in 1998,
he has worked as an independent consulting pensions actuary
specialising in providing pensions review technical
calculation services. In
January 2002 he became Regional Actuary for the Midlands
region for Hazell Carr Collins, which in October 2003 became
known as Collins Actuaries, specialising in providing
actuarial expertise to solicitors on the issue of pensions and
has worked with Collins Actuaries and its predecessor company
for over 12 years. He has extensive experience in preparing pension reports in divorce cases and has also appeared in Court as
an Expert Witness in divorce cases.